About Us

The Smart Freight Centre (SFC) advocates for a coordinated approach to goods movement infrastructure.

Our Vision

The Smart Freight Centre is a centre of excellence for goods movement. Because goods movements span municipal boundaries in the GTHA, and because goods movement issues require innovative, interdisciplinary teams, as well as experts drawn from across municipal boundaries, the SFC is a collaborative network established by the Region of Peel, McMaster University, University of Toronto, and York University.

The SFC will conduct evidence-based research on regionally significant goods movement issues and projects in Peel Region and the GTHA and advocate for the coordination of transportation infrastructure, land development, regulations, technology tools, and resources.

We require a safe and efficient network to move goods and deliver services to communities and businesses across the GTHA. The Smart Freight Centre aims to break down silos in addressing these shared concerns and propose practical solutions and strategies to improve the quality of life and ongoing economic vibrancy of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

The Centre will evolve into a formal network between governments, academics, and industry working on goods movement issues of regional significance. These will include issues that affect more than one municipality, cannot be addressed in isolation, and require long-term solutions.

Our Mission

Our mission is to enhance the economic vibrancy of businesses, promote environmental sustainability, and uplift the quality of life for residents within the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. We achieve this by offering pioneering, evidence-based research, decision support, advocacy, training, and monitoring services. Our focus lies in coordinating transportation infrastructure, land development, regulations, technology tools, and resources to optimize goods movement activities.


SFC aims to develop a holistic understanding of regional goods movement, facilitating innovative solutions that transcend traditional boundaries and ensure the efficiency, sustainability, and safety of the entire freight ecosystem in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

With a keen emphasis on collaboration, SFC engages with shippers, logistics service providers, and equipment manufacturers to address the diverse challenges within the freight ecosystem and contribute to the sustainable growth and resilience of the broader industry.

Recognizing the multifaceted nature of goods movement challenges spanning municipal boundaries, SFC actively engages with local, regional, and national government bodies to drive evidence-based research on regionally significant goods movement issues.

SFC aims to identify innovative solutions that enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and overall resilience of supply chains. This not only addresses the unique challenges posed by metropolitan environments but also contributes valuable insights to the broader discourse on optimizing supply chains in an increasingly interconnected global landscape.


McMaster University

Toronto Metropolitan University

University of Toronto

York University


Goods movement extends beyond municipal boundaries in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and requires a safe and efficient network to move goods and deliver services to communities and businesses.

The goods movement industry faces the following key changes:

  1. Customers’ growing expectations
  2. Increasing concern of the effects of congestion
  3. The decreasing labour force availability and growing industry expectations
  4. Emissions for the transportation sector
  5. Automation, technological changes, and robotics
  6. Strategies to address population and employment growth pressures

Innovation in goods movement is a shared concern and requires collaboration between all levels of government, industry, and academia. The Smart Freight Centre aims to break down silos in addressing these shared concerns by conducting high-quality research and engaging with partners to implement strategies.